我公司生產的各種剛玉一莫來石制品,其純度高、 機械強度好, 具有抗剝落、南高溫,經1750℃以上的高溫燒成,是高溫工業爐的理想爐襯材料。
They are sintered at 1750℃ and possess the following preformances, high purity, good mechanical trength, anti stripping, high temperature resistance and so on. They are the sealest kiln building material for the industial high temperatrre furnaces.
技術指標 Main technical data
指標Index 材質Material |
高純剛玉 Punrfied corundum |
剛玉質 Corundum |
剛玉-莫來石 Mullit-cirundum |
莫來石-剛玉 Mullite-corundum |
Al2O3(%) |
99 |
95 |
90 |
80 |
SiO2(%) |
0.2 |
2 |
8 |
18 |
體積密度(g/cm3) Bulk density |
3.2 |
3.0 |
2.8 |
2.6 |
耐火度(℃)Refractoriness |
1800 |
1800 |
1800 |
1750 |
0.2Mpa 荷重軟化溫度0.6% Refraceoriness under 0.2Mpa load |
1700 |
1700 |
1700 |
1650 |
重燒線變化(%)1400 3h Resinteting linear shrinkage |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
顯氣孔率(%) Apparent porosity |
18 |
19-20 |
23 |
23 |
常溫耐壓強度(Mpa)Comprssivc strcngth at RT |
90 |
90 |
80 |
80 |
最高使用溫度 (℃)Max service temperature |
1800 |
1800 |
1750 |
1700 |
用途 Application |
用于鋼鐵行業,化工行業,陶瓷行業,各種工業室爐爐襯材料。Used as furnace liner material for all kind of industrial kilns in the fields of stccl,chemitry and ceramic and so on. |